At the start of every year, I make a list of New Years Resolutions, and then fail at keeping most or all of them. It seems like just the act of making a resolution creates more resistance in myself to following through with it. Perhaps you have experienced a similar pattern. This year I am trying a new twist on the usual resolutions. Here’s my plan:
Instead of choosing a particular thing or list of things to improve on, I’ve resolved to be more aware of what decisions I’m making each and every moment. The question I’m asking myself constantly is “Am I choosing the path of love in this moment?” Preceding every act (thought, word or deed) there is a moment of decision – often between two clear options. If I look closely, there are really only two choices – the path of love or the path fear. The choice becomes simple if I listen to my intuition (my heart intelligence).
For example, do I take the time to say something kind or do I blurt out my knee jerk negative reaction? Do I engage in gossip, or do I politely excuse myself? Do I eat that donut to temporarily sooth my stress, or do I take the time to sit with myself and figure out how to de-stress, negating the need for junk food? Do I berate myself for eating the donut, or do I practice self compassion and allow myself to be the perfect imperfection that I am? We are all evolving beings, doing and being the best we can with what we have every moment.
Coming in the next posts, I’ll be discussing heart intelligence (intuition), and ways to access it. All the best to you in this new year, and may you choose a heart filled path. Feel free to find me on Facebook and message me with your ideas and comments on this and any post!