How often have you been faced with a difficult decision? How do you make difficult decisions? When I am hung in the balance between two paths and don’t know which way to turn, I often find my head is full of voices – voices of fear. What if I make the wrong decision? What if I can’t go back? How will this affect my future? Decisions often seem like two opposing options, black and white, left or right. If both are unpalatable, I feel stuck between a rock and a hard place. Sound familiar?
A wise person once told me there are 23 solutions lying between those two seemingly stark options. “What? Really? I don’t see any of them!” you might say. The trick lies in accessing those 23 other solutions. That’s where our heart intelligence comes in. Science is now discovering that our heart, not our brain, is the true centre of our being. There is a bundle of nerves that carries messages between our heart and brain. A full 80% or more of that nerve traffic goes from our heart to our brain, leaving only 10-20% going the other direction down to the heart. Imagine! That’s a lot of communication bandwidth given to our heart! If we can pause in that frantic state of not knowing where to turn, and take our focus out of our head and down into our heart, we can access those 23 other solutions. Here are 3 easy steps to tap into your heart intelligence:
- Focus your attention on your heart.
- Breath deeper and slower than usual, imagining that the air is coming in and out of your heart. (This takes your attention away from those voices of fear in your head!)
- Access a feeling of appreciation as you continue the first two steps.
These 3 steps bring online the higher brain centres that (together with your heart) are responsible for intuition and creativity. The next step is to just wait for the ideas to flow!
**If this sounds intriguing, and you want to learn more, you can find free access to this information and more at