If you celebrate Christmas, how often have you met this holiday season with feelings of overwhelm, inadequacy and guilt?
It seems there are more pressures during Christmas than any other time of the year. Pressures come from all around us – family, media, the weight of traditions, even our own high expectations and ideals.
All of this comes at a time of year when nature is telling us to slow down, hibernate, rest more, sleep more, spend more time on inner transformation. The origin of what we now call Christmas was a pagan celebration of the return of the sun. The early Christian church piggy backed the celebration of Jesus’ birth with this pagan holiday. Now it has been co-opted by businesses whose sole purpose seems to be getting us to spend more money.
What do you really want this year? How would Christmas look for you if you were to achieve your ideal holiday? I don’t mean the ideal that causes all the guilt and pressure, I mean the ideal that you would love to manifest if you could erase all the expectations that others have.
Would it include lots of quality family time? Perhaps plenty of alone time to contemplate, rest and renew? Would it involve giving your time and energy for the benefit of others, rather than perpetuating the commercialization, overspending and guilt? Enjoying delicious, truly nourishing food shared by friends and family in an atmosphere of peace and harmony? These are some of my ideal ways to spend the Christmas season.
Once you envision your ideal December, how do you stick to that plan? What do you do with all the guilty feelings of having failed certain people and expectations?
Bach Flower Remedies
If you have spoken to everyone about your plans, and explained them gently – with an ear to how you might alleviate any fears and take care of any real needs while still honouring your ideals, there is no more for you to do but follow through. The Bach Flower Remedy ‘Pine’ can help relieve your guilt so you can more easily stick to your plans.
If you still find yourself overwhelmed by responsibilities and commitments, ‘Elm’ is a very helpful remedy.
When needed, ‘Olive’ can help relieve the exhaustion from overwork and lack of sleep.
‘Rescue Remedy’ is always a good one to have on hand. It helps with the stress, anxiety and irritation that can come with busyness and pressures.
The Bach remedies are a wonderfully simple, effective way to ease and transform negative emotions. They cause no side effects, and are completely safe.
If you are interested in using these remedies, but aren’t sure of yourself, you are welcome to send me your questions via email or FaceBook.
Here’s to a guilt free holiday season full of joy, harmony and peace!