With the election in the United States just one week behind us, I have had a chance to begin digesting the results. While millions of people were delighted with the results, I have spoken to many who are shocked and distressed. When political happenings do not go our way, or when anything happens to upset our sense of balance and trust in our world, there are some guiding principles to remember.
While we cannot always control what happens in our external environment, we always have a choice in how we respond to circumstances. Our response creates our internal environment, which then effects how we interact with others. Why not choose a peaceful response – whatever that may look like for you? It will benefit your body, mind and spirit, as well as those around you. Viktor Frankl sums it up very well:
“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”
In the end, peace and harmony are made one person at a time. If you desire inner and outer peace, the place to start is in yourself. Your way of being in the world will radiate out to effect those in your circle and beyond. If enough people have the same approach to life, there will be no single person – no matter what their perceived power is – who can tip the balance away from light and love for long. May your world, both inner and outer, be filled with peace.