My heart is full to overflowing!
Sitting in half sun, half shade, surrounded by trees. Listening to the soft breeze rustle the leaves, and the song of birds nearby. Nothing I have to do; nowhere I have to be and no desire for anything other than what I have in this moment.
A soulful book in my hands. Blessedly alone; no conversation necessary.
An inner peace – a stillness – fills me.
Looking with wonder at the nature that surrounds me, my heart full to overflowing with awe at life – and gratitude for my place and part in it.
When I make time to be in nature, to sit and contemplate, it fills my cup. Then I have something to give again. Without this blessed rest, I bang around in life, ungrounded, anxious and empty. I lack inspiration and clarity, and begin questioning my purpose. Disconnected from my heart, I begin trying to figure everything out with my head.
That’s when I stop seeing with my inner vision and listening with my inner ears. That’s when my words become harsh and hurtful or full of ego. That’s when I start feeling the need to prove myself, and begin questioning life rather than trusting it. That’s when I get tired.
When I take time to fill my cup, I can once again see with eyes of love, and hear with ears that can discern the truth. It is then that I speak less, and with more compassion. And my heart sees the inner beauty of everyone I meet.
My heart is full to overflowing!
There are many ways to fill your cup! The way that works for you depends on your personality, preferences, season of life, and circumstances.
How do you fill your cup?