We are in a period of great uncertainty and change. This kind of atmosphere can breed much anxiety and fear. Here are some of my go-to’s for staying grounded and centred during challenging times.
Disconnect from Fear
Turn off the news and disconnect from social media posts and videos on the topic of COVID-19, or any other stressful topic. You can get important information in a quick daily check-in and leave it at that.
What you choose to fill your time and thoughts with creates your internal emotional environment. Hooking into all the fear that’s roaming the globe is going to make it difficult to stay in an emotionally healthy state. Remember, fear suppresses your immune system!
Celebrate What You Have
Find and celebrate all the things you can do! With all the cancellations and increased isolation, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with the lack of ‘normal’. Take the opportunity that’s hidden in all this change to:
- enjoy the outdoors in this spring weather
- spend quality time with your family
- take an epsom salts bath
- exercise
- rest when you need to and get enough sleep
- cook nourishing meals (use food as your medicine to keep your immune system healthy!)
- catch up on projects around the house
- read a book
- catch up with people over the phone or internet
- take an online course
- sing, listen to your favourite music or play an instrument – music is proven to lift your mood!
EFT Tapping
EFT is a wonderful tool for processing and transforming any fear reactions you may be having.
You can also use extra time at home to check off items on your ‘Personal Peace Procedure’ list. Download the EFT International Free Tapping Manual that explains the Personal Peace Procedure and basic EFT.
Here is a great site with many free Energy Psychology / EFT resources to support you through the season of COVID-19.
Bach Flower Remedies
Here are some wonderful Bach Flower Remedies that can help you keep emotionally balanced through this tumultuous time.
- Mimulus – for known, nameable fears
- Aspen – for a sense of doom or psychic kind of fear
- Elm – for overwhelm
- Crab Apple – for a feeling of being unclean or toxic
- Olive – to help with physical exhaustion should you get sick
- Red Chestnut – for over-concern about the well-being of loved ones
- Rescue Remedy – for high stress, terror, panic or trauma
The 38 Bach Remedies are available for purchase at Kolya Naturals if you live here in Edmonton. You can also order them online at www.well.ca If you feel overwhelmed at the thought of getting your own remedy mix, you can always contact me for a consultation and I will mail out a personalized remedy mix for you.
Take Time to Be Present and Breathe
Spend time in quiet contemplation and self reflection. Pushing away your fear and discomfort only makes them grow bigger. When our regular routines are stripped away, we suddenly come face to face with the stark reality of our inner and outer world. If you don’t like what you see, now is an excellent time to nurture what is truly important and let go of what is no longer working. Use your breath as a vehicle to breathe out the old and breathe in what you want to create in your life and in the world. The HeartMath Institute has a wonderful reflection and meditation in this Special Care Focus blog.
One of my favourite resources for contemplation is Richard Rudd’s ‘Gene Keys’ book. This book is full of profound wisdom well suited for these times.
Take Care of Your Energy System
We are energetic beings! Taking care of your energy system will help keep you grounded and less stressed, your immune system strong, and your head clear.
Learn this Daily Energy Routine to keep your body’s energies humming and in balance. This routine, created by Donna Eden, is based on the same principles as acupuncture, EFT and other energy psychology methods. I do it every day along with my 10 year old son, who actually asks to do it because he feels the difference it makes in his body!
“My friends, do not lose heart. We were made for these times….. I hope you will write this on your wall:
When a great ship is in harbor and moored, it is safe, there can be no doubt.
But that is not what great ships are built for.”~ Clarissa Pinkola Estes